Alumax Boats aluminium rondvaartboot voor Mokum Boot Amsterdam.

Why Alumax Boats chooses aluminum

Why Alumax Boats chooses aluminum At Alumax Boats, we believe in building boats that excel in performance and design while also contributing to a more

Remko Germeraad vertelt over aluminium werkboten van Alumax

The advantages of aluminum workboats

The future of marine sustainability begins at Alumax Boats At Alumax Boats, we are proud of our aluminum workboats and the benefits they provide to

De Koning op Bezoek bij Alumax Boats

King of the Netherlands visits Alumax Boats

Alumax Boats welcomes King Willem-Alexander during working visit to Port of Zwolle On Wednesday afternoon, January 17, 2024, His Majesty King Willem-Alexander paid a visit

Alumax is riding the waves

Remko Germeraad is looking beyond aluminum boats. The expansion of Alumax Boats is a step into the future, but Germeraad (46) is looking beyond the